Revelation leads to Knowledge
Through [skillful and godly] wisdom a house [a life, a home, a family] is built,
And by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],
And by knowledge its rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.
Proverbs 24:3-4
If I am reading the lexicon correctly, the “knowledge” in this verse would take on the meaning: “knowledge of God”. So rooms, life and family are filled with “Knowledge of God.” To see the lexicon entry, click here The knowledge of God is the source of the precious and pleasant riches.
Hmm…. what does this mean? If we take the metaphor to its conclusion, the décor, the furniture, the things we use in house and the way in which we arrange/apply them, both tangibly and spiritually, are there because of knowledge and the way we use it.
But what IS knowledge? According to the verse it is a building material, but not like wood or nails. But the house doesn’t just put itself together, we have to engage with it and be actively involved in what we learn so we can apply it correctly.
The difficulty in most bible studies is that we have one word for something, and Hebrew and Greek languages might use several depending upon what the author is trying to say. The word Praise in Psalms is another word like that. In this case, I counted 15 different Hebrew/Greek words that translate into our word for knowledge. As a result, I would need to seek out the specific verse and the usage of the word in that verse to be sure I was getting the correct meaning. I couldn’t just pick a 21st century meaning and apply it to all as has been done with the word Praise.
They spell them all out for you and here is the website if you want to do your own investigation. I use for much of my research since it seems to be the most thorough. I will summarize for you here what I discovered, but see for yourself, if you are so inclined:
Knowledge can mean we simply become aware of something, and it is unavoidable. Something flashing across the television or seeing a picture on the iPhone. It’s just there and it can’t be “unseen.”
Another word in scripture indicates a growing knowledge such as child in school becomes aware of the relationship between letters, sounds, sentence structure. They have knowledge of some of the mechanics of reading. That doesn’t necessarily mean they can read. Only when they put the concepts of reading into practice, ask questions, allow correction, can they fully grasp what they know, and apply the knowledge correctly. The knowledge of the individual elements leads to an overall understanding.
And finally, for this discussion, knowledge indicates relationship, a participation in the truth. For example, in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25), the “goats” never knew Christ. In other words, they had no relationship or connection with Him unlike the sheep whose knowledge of Christ made a difference in how they lived.
Proverbs 1 says the beginning of knowledge is to fear the Lord. Those who do not fear him mock and scoff at the knowledge are considered fools. I think of Matthew 13: 15 also used in Acts 28: 27. Both of these references come from Isaiah 6:10, which says.
For this people's heart is waxed gross (lazy, no desire for more), and their ears are dull of hearing (ignored, refused to listen), and their eyes they have closed (choosing not to see); lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. [NASB, parenthesis mine,]
These verses are describing a people who willfully chose not to know or understand truth. It was true in biblical times, and it is true today and that is their choice. I don’t’ know why people would do this, unless they like the darkness that ignorance offers. If I don’t know I’m doing wrong, than I can keep doing what I want, right? God gives us choice to grow in knowledge and whether to pursue a relationship with Him, the source of Truth. THIS. IS. OUR. CHOICE. And we can cast no blame upon another for the lack of it when the tools (Scripture, Christian Fellowship, Prayer) are within reach and the revelation of something out there bigger than us is present.
Revelation is a kick-start to becoming knowledgeable. We are given certain truths by way of the Spirit, typically through prayer and reading the bible asking for understanding. Once the revelation is given and knowledge is imparted, it is then up to us whether or not we investigate and grow in that knowledge. Since there are no new revelations, and everything revealed to us is in Scripture and is consistent with Scripture in its context. We can use the tools given to us to seek out and learn more about it.
Faith is a revelation that I have been seeking out and gathering knowledge regarding for the past few years. Early on in my Christian life I thought faith was something I “kept.” I had to work at it to have more. I thought if I didn’t feel like I had faith to do something, then I must not have enough faith, or I had failed in some way to keep it safe.
But as I grew in knowledge and understanding I discovered faith doesn’t work like that. It isn’t based on how I feel. Faith is a noun. Hebrews 11 says it is a gift to me and I have all I need. Believing is the verb and it involves our interaction with faith and how we apply it.
In Mark 4 Jesus asks the disciples why they are so fearful and “where is your faith.” I think he was being satirical in this passage. They were choosing fear over faith, not that I blame them, really. Who wouldn’t be a little fearful? What the passage pointed out in addition to the fact that faith is given by God to us and it is His faith within us that we use, is that we cannot be fearful and faith-filled at the same time. This was new knowledge gained for me and something I would not have known had I neglected growing in knowledge that began with a revelation.
God’s goal in all of this is that we destroy the works of evil and live an abundant life. The tools are there. Get to know them.
Blessings and peace to all, may this week kick-start a quest for truth that energizes and encourages with strategy and grace.