Dear Reader,
A question was asked recently in a group setting, "What is to be done about the evils we see in society today?"
The following is my answer to that question.
Ephesians 3:8-12, Paul says,
To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to enlighten all people as to what the plan of the mystery is which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things; so that the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places, This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.
God chooses to work through His Church. He doesn’t work through joe’s church or jane’s church. He works through His Church, His body which is not a building or an organization with employees and committee chair members. His Church that He is building is formed from living stones upon one foundation, that is Christ. The living stones are the saints, believers in Jesus, the family of God who are called as one Holy Nation to proclaim the truth that Jesus is Lord. With this proclamation is revealed the wisdom of God to the nations that Jesus taught regarding the Kingdom of God. It is through the administration of this Gospel among the nations that all who would believe are received and the ills of this world are healed. Creation itself groans for the people of God to take their place and administrate the Kingdom as Jesus taught and as was mandated to humanity in Genesis.
This Gospel revealed is not for a ticket to heaven, though it is true that eternal life is a part of this message. Neither is the Gospel a message of salvation only, though that message is foundational. But we cannot stop at salvation or heaven and assume that there is nothing more needed. It is the rest of the Gospel that is missing from the messages typically shared. Why? To put it simply, Nickles and noses. The unaltered Word of God for humanity to successfully live the abundant life of the Kingdom with Jesus as Lord may not line up with the agenda or sensibilities of the one communicating the message. Goodwill is promoted over good Truth. Why? Because (and I generalize here) offending the attendees on Sunday morning does not promote the generous giving (tithes and offerings) needed to keep the organization (church built by men/women rather than God) running or pay the electric bill and salaries.
Salvation is needed because sin is real. And only through proper initiation (repentance, baptism and infilling of Holy Spirit) can alignment with the Truth and sensitivity to What God is Saying NOW happen. Only through the one Door, Jesus, can one can successfully overcome the adversities and walk successfully in Destiny fulfilling the purpose of God upon the earth. The Gospel revealed is not for someday, somewhere out “there.” The Gospel is for NOW. It is for the living and the believing people of faith to be successful WORKING parts of the plan of God upon the earth for the good of ALL humanity and creation.
What was the mystery revealed? The church. His Church through whom He fulfills His work for the GOOD of all addressing evil and bringing an end to the influence of evil among us.
But as long as the church lacks identity as HIS and is divided regarding what is “truth” according to Scripture, His voice upon the earth can be distorted or silenced because of division and compromise affecting His body, the Church He is building. And this happens because we lack the understanding of the ENTIRE MESSAGE Jesus and the apostles preached. The church man has built has settled for Sunday morning group therapy sessions on the hardships of life instead of receiving the downloads of King Jesus and the marching orders of His Faith that has lasting effects on entire communities and nations.
Ern Baxter, in his message regarding Covenant said this: God’s word is final and non-negotiable. He has decreed what He will do in and through His Word. You can accept it, or you may reject it, but it cannot be altered. The ills of today, [the corruption and misalignment of truth and faith] have all derived from humanity altering [tampering/ adjusting] the Word of God to satisfy personal agendas and a personal sense of right and “wrong.” [my summary]
The world does not have the answers to Spiritual problems. They have to alter the word of God to convince the people of God that they know what they are doing. They don’t. And the church man builds, in its divided and distorted mess, is of course silent because they don’t know what to do either. Only the Living Stones among the rubble of man-made doctrines can see and hear the truth and they must be willing to rise up upon the firm foundation upon which THEY STAND and shake off the dust of tradition and codependent compromise declaring TRUTH unashamedly and confidently as David did when he faced Goliath. Only then, will the world see and line up with TRUTH and the answers will be provided to heal our land. This only happens through the mandate to the church Jesus is Building (of which the first Apostles were the beginning) in
Matthew 28: 19-20.
19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
May the church Jesus is Building stand boldly before the throne and receive the marching orders for their assignment. May the stand for truth as Jesus and the First Apostles lived and taught, go forth to heal every nation, discipling each toward a whole and healthy place.
As individuals among the Body, living Stones upon the firm Foundation, may we have eyes to see our identity purpose and placement within the Body of Christ, the Family of God and from there fulfill our destiny as revealed through His Spirit within.
May we have ears to hear and heed the instructions sent forth from the Throne of Grace without altering the instructions to satisfy the level at which or natural self is willing to operate.
May we truly "Surrender All" for the Sake of Him Who Loves us most.