"My hope is built on nothing less, then Jesus' love and righteousness
I dare not My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand."
[Lyrics:Edward Mote (1797-1874)
Music:William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868)]
Hope: to wait for with full confidence; to trust in;to build as on a foundation; expectation of receiving
Some time ago, I came to a place in my Christian journey where I was experiencing frustration and disappointment with my efforts in response to the niggling need to:
I experienced constant frustration as time and time again I resorted to rationalization and "reworking the plan" to gain the momentum to "try again." But nothing seemed to work and what I was working toward seemed constantly postponed in an seemingly endless loop of trial and failure to succeed...
...according to the results I was expecting.
And until I realized the root issue, I could choose to continue on the merry-go-round of ideas or simply give up altogether. The root issue? Perspective which resulted in where was I placing my hope. I thought it was in Christ, but I don't think, at the time, I knew what it meant to place my hope in Christ. Not really. Oh I knew the vocabulary and the teachings others gave regarding it, but I didn't know it for myself. I'm not talking about simply hope in salvation, "one day I'll go to heaven when I die." But all hope, hope for future, hope for life, hope for help and provision, and so on...
This is a very important and key understanding that Holy Spirit was working out in me. If hope is constantly being dashed, it might be helpful to really know those answers and honestly consider where and on what and where our hope is being placed. The truth of this answer can reveal the reason why it may feel so exhausting and defeating to place hope in anything and why emotions and plans are constantly changing with the wind--and not always in a way that encourages joy.
And here is what I learned:
If hope is placed on finances (for example), then the success and failure of that hope is dependent upon the success or failure of those finances. If finances are strained, then the scarcity of finances can accuse a person of being lazy or inadequate to provide (or whatever mental tape may play in a negative judgmental sense). If finances are abundant, their abundance can deem a person as favored or successful.
There are about 130 verses about hope in Scripture to look up and digest, should you choose to dive in the topic. It is worthwhile to do, but here are a few highlights from my study:
John 5:45 says, “But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set."
In the verse above from John 5, The religious leaders that were persecuting Jesus because he was healing on the sabbath. The truth about Moses and what Moses prophesied was what accused the leaders because it was showing their blindness or willing ignorance regarding the truth of who Jesus was according to those prophetic declarations of which they should have all been aware.
I am keying in on what Jesus said about hope and where hope is placed and the difference it makes.
Natural things like finances, people, or even circumstances and what we believe about that source of our hope, can function as an accuser. Accusations can play a role in our identity and sense of value and purpose if we choose to believe them. And often we do because the accuser is cunning and mixes in just enough truth to make the lie believable. Sometimes we don't need the accuser's help and we do it to ourselves. In this way, misplaced hope can effect our understanding of our own identity in Christ because it tends to leak into other areas of faith such as assurance, the dependability of God and His word, and so on. I undermines the truth of who we are in Christ (in our own minds). To place hope in something that is undependable can cause havoc with emotions and hope to be deferred continually until we simply wear out and give up, like a dried-up rubber band become brittle.
And hope deferred makes a heart sick, according to Proverbs 13.
If we are successful in placing our hope in something other than Christ and receive rewards from the world system, because we know how to "work the system" for our own benefit, this too can be a trap. What happens when suddenly the world system crashes or fails us in some way? Are we worse off than before? Will God still be blamed for something He did not tell us or advise us to do?
And finally, a misplaced hope causes one to abandon or postpone the God Given dreams and visions of who we are to be and what we are to be doing in the Kingdom according the the Plan of God for humanity. Everyone has a part to play and are important to the body of Christ upon the earth. As members of the Church Jesus is building, we have a mandate from the beginning to disciple the nations. Unfortunately, the cares of the world around us can choke out the vision and short circuit the hope inspired by the Love of God that brings forth faith.
A sure place to put hope is in something or someone that does not change and does not deceive. There is only one place that can be found and that place is in Christ. He may bring correction at times regarding what we are hoping for, and it is always for our good and the good of those around us. Many times He corrects us because our understanding to too small and if we could do what he is inspiring us to do on our own, what testimony would that be to others? Many times the hope/vision given to us is much bigger than we could achieve on our own. Not only do we need Him, but we also need others of faith to come along side us. God will finish all that He has started within us as He brings into fuller focus and develops all that He has placed in us to be all we can be in Him. This hope never disappoints. This hope is an anchor to feelings, reasoning, and emotions that may respond to circumstance, but cannot be overcome by them because the anchor is sure. We know in whom we believe!
But what does placing our hope in Christ look like?
Well, for one, Placing hope in Christ accepts and receives our identity in Him. The seal of conversion (Holy Spirit) placed upon believers says to God,
We are His,
Saved for a purpose and destiny,
Not condemned
Not orphans or abandoned,
Placed into the family with an inheritance
With this hope in Him we are not shaken.
Hebrews 12 tells us that the Kingdom of God cannot be shaken or lose its footing. It is not like shifting sand, but rather rock-solid in its character. (Remember the story of the man who built his house on the rock?) Those who believe in Him and are sealed with the Promise (Holy Spirit) are citizens of that Kingdom. Therefore, their hope and faith are not shaken either, not when the foundation of their Hope is in Christ and His Kingdom.
…so that by two unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge would have strong encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us. 19 This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it]—a safe and steadfast hope that enters within the veil [of the heavenly temple, that most Holy Place in which the very presence of God dwells], 20 where Jesus has entered [in advance] as a forerunner for us, having become a High Priest forever according to the order of [a]Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:18-20 AMP
May the Hope we have in Christ be our anchor in Truth in the circumstances and concerns that want to toss us here and there with the worries of the world sitting on our doorstep. May this hope, born of HIs Love for us, so fill our life and thoughts that faith cannot help but be active and alive in us and through us.
May you experience health, wealth (state of mind) and prosperity and provision regardless of the news reports.
God will not abandon His own.
David placed his hope in God and in Psalm 37 He says,
"I have been young and now I am old,
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
Or his descendants begging for bread."
Peace and Grace,
Also, for study, consider:
Psalm 52:9
Romans 5: 1-3
Ephesians 1:11-13
Colossians 1:26-28
Hebrews 3:1-6
Hebrews 10:23