Dear Reader,
Greetings! Grace and peace to you as you enjoy this season of blessing. We will enjoy the the celebration of Christ among us with the lights, the gifts, the music, the traditions, the nativity testifying to of celebration of love among us. Many are celebrating family. Many are celebrating the coming of God among us in Christ as part of that family celebration. We retell the the birth of Jesus and how God came to be with us! These are good and necessary things.
For some it may not be so joyous because of the emphasis of the world system on family, friends and gifts, for some it can be more depressing that life-giving. For whatever reason, for some cannot participate as they would like. However, circumstances do not need to dampen the season. After all, Jesus wasn’t just a “sweet baby” that was born in a manger. There is so much more to celebrate!
It was about the birth of The King and this King has a Kingdom.
What if, on the birthday of our grown children, we pulled out the photo album every year? We could sit beside them on the couch and review every year all the stories and how exciting it was for him/her to join the family. We’d smile and close the book, exchange gifts for the baby, walk to the kitchen and prepare a bottle of formula for our birthday lunch in remembrance of that lovely day when they became a part of our family. This would be silly, right? No one does this. We see our children grow up and we celebrate who they have become. The way we celebrate reflects who they have become.
It is also important that we don’t keep Jesus in his infant stage in our thinking. Our Christology is important. How understand who Christ Jesus is influences how much we allow Him to affect our daily lives. Do we need to defend our faith or does our faith defend and empower us? A baby doesn’t have much power, but Christ in His fullness, offers His Spirit for ever-lasting change. Christ, In His fullness can realign our thinking to become mature in Him; understanding all He has done as well as what we, the Church, are equipped to do (live the abundant life, destroy the works of the devil). Babies can't do that, but adults empowered by the Spirit can do that.
Although the pageantry of Christmas is wonderful and meaningful, it is important not to get stuck with a "baby Jesus on the inside" and embrace The Christ who completed His work. He does not need our protection. He rules and reigns through the Church (us), interceding for us in heavenly places. Our God is an awesome God. What the Law could not do, He did! The Gospel is powerful without our intervention to make it “palatable.”
The incarnation of God among us (Emmanuel) was something planned between God the Father and God the Son and the Holy Spirit long ago, before we came onto the scene. It would have happened even if we were the only ones to be saved. This isn’t a highlight of how wonderful we are in God’s sight, (though I used to see it that way), but rather to remind us that His plan is NOT about US and does not center around US, individually. Our choices do not determine the success or failure of this plan. Our choices only effect how we are involved.
God’s plan is for ALL of Humanity. It is about HIM and HIS Kingdom of which we get to take part. As citizens of this Kingdom we have all we need as TOGETHER we magnify the Lord of lords and King of kings.
What is that kingdom all about? What does it look like? Sound like? When is it?
Read the bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about the Kingdom of God which is “at hand,” meaning it is within our reach. Meaning that the Kingdom is not a distant reality, yet to come to be. It is not a "thing" or a "place." The Kingdom, according the Matthew, is made up of believers in Christ who participate in the manifestation of the Kingdom reality. Therefore the Kingdom is available NOW visible to those who participate and believe, living by the Law of Spirit Life within.
Jesus described the Kingdom in the Gospel accounts, He lived it and was an example for the Future Apostles of the Lamb. He taught them again after His resurrection and ascension (those 40 days Luke told us about in Acts 1). Then He filled the Apostles (and all who would receive Him) with His Spirit (Acts 2) so they could manifest that truth to the nations. And they did. They told us about it in Acts and Paul applied it more specifically, spelling out the “walking out of Faith” in his letters.
What a wonderful gift Jesus is to us! He revealed to all God's love, God's plan, and His Kingdom purpose for the nations!
Regardless of whether the holidays are happy or bittersweet, (this year my family is experiencing our first holidays without our son), Jesus is still worthy of Celebration. Colossians 3 says to focus on Him. David, in the Psalms says to lift our eyes to the Lord from whom our help comes.
We CAN step into the Spirit reality of the Joy of Christ this Christ-mas and enjoy His sweet fellowship and peace regardless of our current circumstances or what has happened this past year because of the Kingdom reality among us and in the spirit. The reality of the Church Triumphant and Heavenly places to where those whom we love have passed on, is not as far away as you may think. It isn’t on another planet or some distant star, but simply invisible to us. Although we cannot communicate from this place to that as we would like, one day we will also step through into that place and enjoy the fellowship as well. But for now, with Faith, know Christ is near and our Hope is always in Him for that day.
And guess what? I have discovered that although the tears may come once in awhile (most times unexpectedly) God’s love fills and heals those broken empty places with His grace and the healing reality of His Kingdom among us (believers). The tears and sadness that this season may bring for some, does not define or tell us about the Character of God in Christ. God is not responsible for the sad and bad moments. Our choices and the choices of a sinful humanity around us are responsible. But God CAN, and still does work it all together for our Good if we will trust in His Goodness.
This is sure and true: Love is the greatest gift and God IS LOVE. Dependable, always Faithful, NEVER CHANGING, does not “turn away,” All knowing, Ever present, And that LOVE is available to all who will receive it.
Merry Christmas,