“For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth,
as indeed there are many gods and many lords,
yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him;
and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him”
1 Corinthians 8:5-6
Dear Reader,
We were created for order and to live in peace with one another. Created in His image, there is a longing to belong to something and not in isolation. Just as God the Father/Creator spoke the Word (Christ, John 1) and the Holy Spirit hovered, order was established according to the Father's design (Gen 1 and 2). ONE GOD, Three Persons, accomplishing the One Father’s will. In His image was Adam created and also Eve. This has not been lost as some would believe. It is still a part of the original design to be joined and jointed together toward a common goal. (Consider the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11). So although we would like to ignore the conflicts around us and within us, there is a drive for stability and belonging that demands some resolution. Unfortunately, without consensus to one measure by which we all bring things into order, this inherent goal can either elude us or be forced with manipulation to bring the illusion of a resolution and temporary peace.
For example, consider the first century Corinthian Church to whom Paul was writing. Many were Gentiles and some Jews, who had assimilated into the culture and participated in the festivals of the day. It was a way of life and had been f from before they were even born. They were familiar with the old ways. It brought stability because they knew what to expect and they grew to enjoy and even depend upon aspects of the pagan worship that filled their society. They belonged to something bigger.
Then Paul came along with the Gospel message and they believed. They wanted to receive Christ and all He offered and belong to the Church Jesus was building. So they did. The conflict in 1 Corinthians over the eating of food that had been offered to idols was a part of their working out what it meant to follow Christ and we can understand this because it still happens today. This particular disagreement in the Corinthian Church snowballed until the situation threatened the to divide the believers. Those who were strict about adhering to what they believed was the True Measure of Christ were criticizing those who were meshing things together, appearing to compromise the True Measure for the sake of relationship.
We get that, don't we? Haven't we all be guilty of compromising for the sake of relationship?
There are many examples of this conflict even today. Many do not really know what Scripture teaches or they disagree with what they read. The result is an effort to reconcile God and humanity (even if only in their mind) apart from what Christ already accomplished. I know that seems like quite a leap. But stay with me a moment.
It is such an easy path to step on. It appears very "Christian" to love our neighbor to accommodate or to tolerate what Scripture says is sin or disobedience for the sake of love. It goes back to that desire for stability, order and belonging. Unfortunately, as much as we may try, we cannot win them to obedience by our tolerance. While true to a degree, it can create an illusion of peace and love, but this can quickly turn to enabling distorting what it means to love. This modification of the Truth in an effort to reconcile someone to Christ, will result in the least compromise and and in the worst, failure of the relationship completely. Why? Because the tolerant one becomes slave to the dysfunction of another. The sin and dysfunction of a person or culture,becomes the measure by which all is aligned.
There is only One True Measure, which is the Gospel of Christ and His Kingdom. The reconciling of God and humanity has already been established through Christ. We can not "redo" it or alter it to save our neighbor, maintain our stability, or avoid conflict. Insecurity and fear of conflict is not an option for those who find their identity in Christ. When our existence is through Christ, who can threaten it? If God is on our side, who can take away our identity in Him?
Conflict will happen, rejection is painful, but we are not made of sugar. We will not melt in a storm. In fact, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can walk on the waves.
Regarding further the two verses:
“For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him” 1 Corinthians 8:5-6
There are some who theorize that according to various scriptures who indicate there are other entities out there (Psalms speaks of "gods", who are not equal to God our Heavenly Father (there is only ONE CREATOR). They did and do influence humanity in various ways and became the source of idol worship, debauchery and so on . We know there were fallen angels and demonic powers, we've seen and heard testimony of such things and they do manipulate behind the scenes illegally upon the earth hoping to destroy the works of God, create chaos and lead many away from the Truth of Christ, or so they try. So this may be what Paul is talking about. It was not a new concept for those who knew their Scriptures. In addition in the Roman world, Caesar was meant to be worshiped as a "god' as well. Any of these things could be indicated here, but the point is not to be distracted by defining those things as much as it is to understand who we are and to Whom we belong.
Our Measure should be this:
From the Throne of Justice and Righteousness, God brought Creation into existence; therefore, Creation belongs to God. Genesis says the creation of humanity was "very good." From Him we received our form and our first breath (spirit). He knew who we were from “before we were in our mother’s womb” according to Psalms 139. He knew the choices we would make of our own free will (Romans 8).
God is not a tyrant. He does not control His creation in order that they may please Him. If this were true (that He controlled people in order to please Himself) then what does that say about tragedies and horrible things that happen? Obviously, the death of a child or the mistreatment of people are not the actions of a God who Loves. No. The understanding of God in Control of EVERYTHING as we typically understand the modern word "control" is misleading and dismisses the inconsistencies of why bad things happen to good people. It causes all kinds of unbelief and errant ideas regarding the character of God and the responsibilities of believers.
The motive of God the Father is LOVE.
God the Father Loves His creation. It was for Him and by Him that we were created with freedom to choose Him. Our identity is found in Him. Free Will is a must and so it was given because God is not threatened by our choices. His Love grants freedom to willingly choose Good. Unfortunately, some do not choose Good. Some bad choices hurt us whether we made them or not. Our response to those choices is the only thing we can control. But we are not without an advocate in the Holy Spirit to fight for us, give us wisdom, comfort us and lead us in the right path for justice and righteousness. Because of Him, we are able to weather the storms of life (walk on the waves).
Employing our own measure happens when people seek to grasp equality with God by their own efforts and thinking of themselves more highly than they ought. It is based upon unbelief. It is believing the lie told by the devil, that God is somehow miserly, withholding the good and the best of life, as if the Creator would not know what His creation needed in order to live a good and free life in Him. And as in the case of Adam and Eve, rather than inquiring of God, many by their own hand, reach for that which they believe will make them happy. Essentially the desire is to take God's place, reject Jesus as Lord of their life, and follow their own agendas. Simply put, God’s creation, like Adam and Eve, often wants to flip the roles. God’s creations wanted to BE the Creator.
It took a Loving Father, knowing beforehand the choices that would be made, to provide a way to reclaim His creation from their own messy choices. It took a tremendous price to redeem His own creation back from the evil trap of sin and lies.The way still remains. Forgiveness is available to embrace.
It is THROUGH Christ that we exist. He is our sustenance. He is our ongoing source of Spirit Life that freed us from the darkness of condemnation, hell, that was the Law.
It is THROUGH Christ that we have received the Promise of Holy Spirit who is our counselor, friend, teacher.... It is through the Holy Spirit that we receive instruction and strategy for life. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are led on the path of righteousness.
It is THROUGH Christ that the law was fulfilled leaving the devil powerless in the face of Grace. It is through the Victory of Christ we also have victory over the devil's schemes both personal and within the world systems.
It is THROUGH Christ that we have our being, and it is THROUGH the Holy Spirit that God will complete the work He has begun in each of us.
Experiencing an ongoing, never-ending struggle over sin, with NEVER a victory is not because the price Christ paid was not powerful enough. It is because our own striving to defeat it is not powerful enough. May the Holy Spirit reveal the weak link in the understanding that allows for sin and struggle to hang on. May ears be opened, Eyes see that which the Holy Spirit has in store, as well as the strategy and steps to get there.
May this day reveal the grace of the Father through the Son. May the Promise of The Holy Spirit fill you with the understanding that leads to wisdom for your next steps. He will make the pathway smooth. If you stumble, He will help you up without lecture or condemnation. The mountains and giants we face are not bigger than God the Father who backs us up, provides wisdom and strength for good choices.
Life may not always be fair, but God Is ALWAYS GOOD.
Grace and Peace,