I read Matthew 13 today and immediately thought of our political and social climate. It would be so easy to say this was about today. I'd be wrong, however. This passage is about what happened in Jesus' day, not ours. The very people whose hearts had grown dull (cold)then, are the ones who could not see or hear truth, freedom, righteousness, justice are the ones who chose not to understand and crucify Christ.
So, if this is not about today, the 21st century, then it is simply describing the fallen human condition. This is what happens when hearts grow cold. It leads to unspeakable things, and we have read and witnessed these things that cold hearts bring. However, we have no excuse today. There is a way to NOT have a cold/dull heart. We CAN have eyes that see and ears that hear. We CAN understand by the Spirit of Christ what we are to do, say and live.
The problem is that fallen humanity wants compromise. They think they know what will make them happy. Like a two year old, they don't like to be told no. They don’t like to be told they are wrong, that there are boundaries and standards for successful living. Even science and data that backs up the truth is sidelined in favor of a preferred narrative. Success in their eyes is a type of deceiving freedom where they become slaves to the very thing, they thought they were free to enjoy. True freedom in Christ does not involve a slavery to anything, but a willing loyalty to good, truth, and righteousness (being right with God).
But wait a minute...isn't this what the church has done over the year? Tailor the gospel message to fit a 20 minute time frame, never offend anyone, get attendance up and money in the offering plate to pay for the preacher's salary, the lights and building? Sunday morning was never meant to be an evangelistic effort, it is to hear what God is saying to His people and act upon that instruction. The power of that obedience among the people is a witness to the unsaved that may come and see the churc at work and be saved. But we were never meant to make the whole service about them. This truncated gospel and wrong emphasis is partly to blame for the hearts growing cold. Church has ceased to be relational or relevant. The answers to real issues are not found and so believers in Christ are left to find their own way. Is it any wonder that the answers found are secular and not sacred, vague and not victorious, death and not life?
If anger, resentment, and anxiety are creeping into thoughts and conversation, it is wise to consider the truth of Isaiah’s prophecy below in verse 15. If the people of that day had opened their eyes they would have seen. And having seen, they would have heard. And in having heard, they would have understood, and God would heal their broken hearts.
To open the eyes means to consider that the agenda and point of view to which one has ascribed may be in error. We can tell by the fruit. Is it truthful? Has time born out that truthfulness of their words, their plans, their intentions and efforts to be representative of Christ? Is it good for all or only some? Is it causing harm or benefiting only a few?
It is time to open our eyes and see that the current path of the world system is not always for the good of anyone but the agendas of those in charge. It is time to open our eyes to what the Scriptures say as one story as to who the Church is and her role in being the body of Christ and His Kingdom.
13 Therefore, I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
14 And [d]in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
‘You shall keep on listening, but shall not understand;
15 And you shall keep on looking, but shall not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become dull,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise, they might see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
Understand with their heart, and return,
And I would heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
Prayer and declaration:
Lord, help us to have ears to hear and eyes to see what you are saying to your people about life and today’s culture. May we be true and faithful representatives of your Will, your Word, and your Way so that all may benefit from the freedom you offer through Christ. We declare that our communities will know the Love of Christ and be changed to reflect His saving Grace. We declare that our government will be faithful to their oath of office. We declare that all plans against the United States and her people will be rooted out and become void. We call in Righteousness, Peace and Joy over this nation and all nations across the earth.