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The Church

Anne Bradshaw • November 3, 2022

Another blog about church?

YES! another blog about the church. Consider this....

Our communities, our states, our nation, the WORLD needs the church that Jesus us building, to step up and take her place. But what IS the church?  In Matthew 16 Jesus says he will build the church and the gates (rulers, decision makers) will not be able to prevail( overcome, withstand) it.

But what does this mean? It certainly is not something we can build ourselves with programs or ideologies. Our marching orders, our definitions, our identity can be found in Scripture and it is non-negotiable. We cannot change it to fit our pet projects or desires. But over the years the term "church" has been modified to mean different things to different people.

The church is made up of individuals..

There are many things we talk about when referring to what we have traditionally understood as “Church.” When I think of church I immediately think of white patent leather shoes in spring or a brick building, stained glass windows with a steeple. When I think about what church does, I think of fellowship dinners and feeding the homeless. When I think of church exercises and faith, I think of Sunday morning worship and singing and bible studies and Sunday schools. And there is a comfort in my memories. I was a child. I was safe in the church where I identified. I was converted, baptized and I received the Holy Spirit and a calling. It meant I would go to heaven when I died, that Jesus was with me always and somehow I had a victory...of some kind.

I would not want to take those memories from anyone. I don’t ever want to downplay or criticize where I have been. Where I began my faith journey is not to be ridiculed because it is a part of the tools with which God formed and blessed me to be the person I am today. But there is more. 

To understand the church we must first understand who Christ is and who that makes us to be individually as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven/Kingdom of God. 

Speaking about the individual within the Kingdom of God I turn to Scripture which says  “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. To “become as a child” we subconsciously understand as being innocent and in need of protection and provision. “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong….” Is taught to the children and echoed with nostalgia as adults.  Typically, whether we realize it or not, the average person when incorporating this verse and others like it,  comes to think of themselves as children before God needing Jesus to make it through the hard times, to provide for needs, to heal when we are sick, and so on. I know I did. The everyday understanding of what it means to be “child-like” brings to mind a person solely dependent upon the grace of God for everything, a large part of this understanding, with regard to whom we are grateful for being the source of all good gifts, is accurate. We are grateful and blessed for all He has done for us with regard to identity, purpose and destiny. Without Christ we would be condemned, lost and without hope. He did make a way for victory over sin and death and we must have faith as a child in the sense that we do not allow experiences to steal faith and keep us from believing in what God has said and is saying now about us and to us. 

However, as long as we think of ourselves as children in the classic sense: innocent, without understanding/experience, dependent as well as limited in our abilities, we remain powerless to defeat the  powers of darkness or influence the world around us. We remain victims of life and what the world can do to us financially, health-wise and socially. The people of God, then learn to live a life of reaction on defense against the world and it’s invasions and trespasses rather than as citizens of a Kingdom where Christ is king. When we realize that being a child of God, son of God is NOT about being “child-like”, but rather being heirs of a promise, everything changes.

Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,

The Spirit of Christ within is the Spirit of a full grown and powerful Christ the King (rather than of a baby in a manger or Jesus dying on a cross). Embracing this reality, we become heirs of victory as well. The people of God, and therefore the Church, are not child-like sinners, saved by a loving, graceful father because we can do nothing good and are helpless on our own. This  idea is perpetuated by the teaching that God must do the healing, delivering and and all we have to do is storm the gates of heaven with as many pray warriors as are able and pray that he will change things. The presupposition, whether we realize it consciously or not, is that he is either unaware of what is needed or somehow believers must twist his arm with as many prayers that can be gathered. The Kingdom of God is present now. Jesus said the Kingdom has come near, is at hand. People could identify it by the Spirit because of the fruit being produced (sick healed, people delivered, truth revealed).  In this way, when we do what we see the Father doing and say what we hear the Father saying, when we imitate Christ and he is Lord of our lives, we govern as Citizens of  the Kingdom God just as Adam and Eve governed the earth before the fall. Christ came to remind us of our identity. That governance was not ever taken away. It was “deceived away” as Satan confused the mind and evilly set in motion his plan for silencing the voice of God upon the earth.

God gave us the means, by his Spirit within, the power to heal and deliver, to share the gospel and so many other things! But the people of God do not often live in the fullness of Christ that was won for them either because they have been deceived into thinking they are unable to do so, are ignorant of what it means to live the abundant life. In addition, remaining ignorant of the truth can be a convenient excuse not to exercise the power and responsibility of full grown Christians. 

We need to know who we are in Christ so we may grow up in Him to be who He said we are. If the Christ we know is a baby in a manger, that infancy is as far as we will get. Even thinking of ourselves as a “child of the King” is endearing and comforting, but it puts no demand upon us to be anything more than a child at play or in need of care. Our churches are full of infant Christians looking to have their diapers changed, noses wiped and fed bottles of pleasing words and anecdotes with an occasional burping. Hebrews 6 tells us we must move past the elementary truths into maturity. Look at the list of “elementary truths!” Can you imagine that raising the dead is an elementary truth

If we have a firm foundation of who Christ is and who we are in Him and why, then we can see ourselves, others and situations more clearly. We will know the difference between the storm of emotions that sometimes arises and the truth that lies behind the situation that needs attention.  We will know the difference between what someone says about us and the reality of who we are in Christ. We can reject the false claims and embrace the Truth. A firm and accurate foundation on Christ gives us identity. Identity gives us purpose and purpose gives us a destiny to walk in. As long as the church is blinded to who they are in Christ, she stays an infant, powerless and ignorant of the mandate that is on her. When we are sure of our foundation and identity we are not afraid to speak up and let our voices be heard.

But being the church is not about our individual lives. We were made to work in commuity with those of like mind that we can walk beside. One can do much, but many can change the world. Consider the impact of 12 disciples in the 1st century!  It is about representing Christ where we are and beyond. We now see people getting involved in politics that profess their Christian faith. This is Good! Our faith should infiltrate all parts of our life with obedience to Christ. It is our obedience to Truth that brings about correction and change. As we vote and participate in community, state and national decisions, we are representing Truth and righteousness. As we pray and intercede for those in decision making roles, we support and bring about what they need as they are obedient to truth where they are called to be. This is how change is made. The church must come together, moving toward the same goal.

Be blessed,


By Anne Bradshaw February 18, 2025
1 John 3:18-22
By Anne Bradshaw February 3, 2025
Psalm 37: 1-2
By Anne Bradshaw January 16, 2025
Set your mind on Christ
By Anne Bradshaw January 10, 2025
Great is His Faithfulness. Isaiah 40 is a testament to God's faithfulness to His people. His people are defined by relationship, not by birth. Those who Know Him. How do we know someone? We spend time with them. We seek to hear what they say and understand the meaning of their words, their message both spoken and unspoken. I am currently watching the snow fall outside my window. It covers everything. I can't see the imperfections of the road, the hillside or even the branches on the tree. This is what the Law of Moses did. It covered temporarily the sins of the people. Therefore they were considered sinners forgiven. But they still had to make the sacrifices every year. In the New Covenant a new order was established. This Covenant did away with the accusers voice because Jesus made the final sacrifice for sin and fulfilled the Law of Moses once and for all. For those who embrace this truth, and are initiated into the Kingdom of God through repentance, baptism, they are no longer "sinners." This term, "sinners" and the claim of "being just a sinner saved by Grace" while true once, cannot continue to be true for the fully converted believer in Christ. Why? because it rejects the saving power of Christ and the Holy Spirit working in us toward perfection. To describe oneself as "sinner" is either because they lack knowledge of their identity in Christ or to excuse their laziness, to put it frankly. It isn't that a person doesn't do anything wrong, but as saint, and the identity offered in Christ, wrong is identified and corrected. The imperfections are not life sentences as it is with those who identify as "sinners," seemingly helpless to their own thought processes and patterns of behavior. That was the life offered by the Old Covenant. As believers, we no longer live that life. There is a way of victory if one is brave enough to step into the journey toward it. Isaiah 40: 26-31 testifies to the Character and desire of God from His throne of Righteousness and Justice, that we be whole and live a life of freedom and grace. This is peace, this is the life giving liberty to move forward unencumbered by the haunting of old sins (See Colossians 2). We are not helpless to the "sin that besets/entangles us" we have a saving Grace, a life-giving way of salvation for living now. Hebrews 11 tells all about the faith choices of those throughout Scripture who made obedient choices according to the will of God and received rewards (earthly and/or heavenly) and left a legacy for others to build upon. Hebrews 12 then gives a key for living: "Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " vs 1-2 His Spirit quickens, brings alive our spirit so we may be victorious over sin (ours and others). Not because of anything we do, but because of His Faithfulness to His Covenant with the Son and the Spirit that is not dependent upon our "goodness." You can read the same characteristic of God in Isaiah 40. He does not change. His love has not changed. His desire for us to be victorious as on eagles wings, soaring far above circumstances, "what man can do to us or regarding us." II encourage you to read this for yourself) What HAS changed is that the work of Christ did away with sin completely, forgiveness is available to be embraced and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can overcome because of the Blood of Christ and our Testimony of Him. What a great way to start the New Year--on eagles wings. Grace and Peace Anne
By Anne Bradshaw July 15, 2024
Oil of Joy
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Luke 5:1-7
By Anne Bradshaw May 11, 2024
Dear Reader, (If you have not read Jaws of Victory part 1 , I would encourage you to do so if you want the entire message. ) In this blog, we continue our look into the lessons of Matthew 16. Let’s back up one more time to the scribes and Pharisees at the beginning of the chapter. As you are probably aware, they had written prophecies in the Scriptures regarding the Messiah. But over the years, the ability to discern spiritual matters seems to have been compromised. It is from this place of compromise they were unsettled and unsure about Jesus for a lot of reasons, even though He was fulfilling all the prophecies. Maybe they truly wanted to defend the truth. So, they sought to test Jesus in order that they may verify or dismiss the truth of Christ among them. Another possibility and one some could identify with from time to time, is the reality of Christ brought in a demand for order and accountability. We see that in our world today. Nothing new under the sun, right? (Ecclesiastes 1:9). They did not want it to be true. If Jesus was the Messiah, the ramifications would be upsetting to everything they knew. It would expose the error of their teaching that they knew was not accurate. Jesus highlights some of the discrepancies in His Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7). The leaven that Jesus told the disciples watch out for in Matthew 16 was the distorted message from the Scribes and Pharisees. Scripture is scripture we can’t change it or alter it just because we don’t like it. We either accept it or reject it. Those are the only two options. The Truth Christ carried in His representation of the Father, shone a light on what the religious rulers were teaching and the intent of the law of Moses. The deception could no longer be hidden. The veil over the understanding was starting to be removed. All was being exposed. It is how God works. It is the consequences of lies and deceit for our own gain. It is what we are seeing now in our own time. Again…there is nothing new under the sun. People are people and from the beginning, when sin entered in, they have a choice between life and death, good and evil, obedience and disobedience. God wants sons/daughters, not robots (John 1) so free will is given. To protect themselves, their dignity, and their position, the religious rulers of Jesus’ day sought to snatch the truth of Christ, and the freedom He offered, from the people whom it would benefit. Matthew 23 is all about the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees I believe Jesus was referring to in Matthew 16. And like cockroaches scattering when the light is turned on, so too did they scramble for a solution to “put out the light.” But the Light of Christ cannot be extinguished. His Light is more powerful than the darkness. This is the victory. This is why the Gospel of Christ is said to be dangerous to those who don’t want to believe and this is why they keep trying to silence or distort it. It demands a choice of allegiance between darkness and the Kingdom of God with Jesus as Lord. This is what the word “repent” means. Jesus and the Apostles didn’t walk into an area and say, “my, my, my, PLEASE repent! Choose Jesus! It’s so GOOD FOR YOU! You’ll have such a better life, Jesus LOVES YOU SOOOO MUCH!” "You don't want to go to hell, do you?" In Acts, John didn’t play the organ, the choir didn’t sing first to get everyone “in the mood” and the lights were not dimmed…..It wasn’t an invitation or twisting of the heart strings. What is my point? Isn't it true that Jesus loves us? Isn't it true that repentance is good for us? Yes, but... My point is, in Acts 2 after Peter preached the complete gospel (nothing added, nothing taken away), the people were commanded (not pleaded with or manipulated) to make a choice. Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 Said to whom? The people who were demanding what they must be do to be saved in response to the Gospel message. Their desire to be right with God was not because of a good sermon that twisted heart strings, nor was it because of an atmosphere created by good music and singing. It was a response to the Truth and the presence of the Holy Spirit in Peter by which it was communicated. The Gospel, in its entirety, empowers us to walk out our salvation because of the truth that Jesus paid the price and there is now no more condemnation pending for those who believe. Our spirit is saved, our soul is being saved as we go from moments of VICTORY to moments of VICTORY by our obedience. As we walk out our salvation by faith, we are continually being perfected in Him by His Spirit as we choose LIFE and forsaking our old ways and embracing truth. Our bodies will be saved on the final perfect day when the Kingdom is handed over to the Father COMPLETE through the faithful obedience and unity of the Church Jesus is building. We have the victory. The deception is the lie that the victory we have in Him can be taken away. This is not what I have meant by victory snatched. Nothing can take you away from Him. Nothing can unseal what God has sealed as His. Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His;” and, “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to keep away from wickedness.” 2 Timothy 2:19 What CAN be “snatched from the jaws of victory” is our ability to REST in Who He Is (Hebrews 3). This is something we have to train our soul to do. By the Spirit we must replace fearful thinking and striving with the rest of remembrance and obedience to what God is saying now, applying the good measure of His Truth to the facts of the circumstances we face. We need to be aware of the tactics of the enemy not so we are always in a defensive position (with fear, cowering), but rather in an offensive position, (by faith, advancing). To summarize: In Matthew 16, Peter may not have liked the knowledge that Jesus was going to suffer, but I wonder, could He have rested in the revelation of Who Jesus is? Instead, Peter added his own wisdom to the threatening events to unfold and tried to convince Jesus to choose another path. This was why he was rebuked. The spirit by which he was operating (fear) was called out. The disciples may not have known where their next meal would come from, but they could have rested by remembering how Jesus fed the groups of 5 and 7 thousand. The same Jesus who did that was standing with them even as they strived to meet their natural need for food. When he gives the resources, it is because he knows our ability to steward the resources. We do what we know to do, being faithful in the moments, and the rest is up to God (Psalms 37, Matthew 7, 25). The Pharisees could have chosen to believe rather than find ways to be right and save their own sense of self-importance and significance. They could have rested in the scripture testimony of God who is good would also care for them in spite of all their wrong thinking and misguided decisions in life to date. Dear reader, you are much more to Him than an individual. You are an integral part of His working Plan and if you choose to be a part of what He is doing, He will keep you on the way of blessing that provides, protects, and preserves. As the people of God, let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in every nation and situation: that they will be bold and courageous, not giving up. May they be infused with His strategy and strength to overcome by the word of their testimony and the truth of what the Blood of the Lamb has done. Also pray for those whom no one notices. Let those in seemingly insignificant places have hearts like lions boldly going after truth and victory not just for themselves, but all within their sphere of influence as they are faithful to the call of God on their lives. May they confidently testify in word and deed to any who listen the Truth revealed in Christ. Grace and Peace, Anne
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