To effect your sphere of influence, you must carry something, that is, bring something to "the table" for people to consider. I believe the greatest reality that I can bring to anyone is The Presence of God. I want God to live in and through me. This is easily stated, but rarely practiced by most believers. Why? Because in order for God to live in and through me, I must first live in and through Him. It is the operational priority in order to truly carry The Presence in a manner that changes things... or may I say, changes lives.
I am learning that I cannot presume to be living in and through God in Christ by simply "believing" I am in Christ. While that is a start, more importantly we must have intentionality. That is, I must want to know Him, just as I want to be known by Him. Oh, He knows me. That is not the issue. Rather, it's about me... and you... intentionally taking steps to know Him on an every day and every moment basis. We must get to know about His Heart, His Word, and His Love. In this we learn how He sees things, or more importantly, how He sees people. In this way of knowing Him, we gains His heart, His mind and His eyes and we learn to live through Him. This is possible... because God has made it possible through Christ. What remains is for us... you and me... to learn how to live in and through God, and to practice it!
What does it mean to know someone, to have a relationship? We must converse with them, share our thoughts and understandings. Likewise, knowing God involves relationship. Just as we must spend time in the presence of another to build relationship, likewise, we must spend time the presence of God, intentionally conversing with God, expressing love to God; worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth. Learning to listen to what He says and teaches us enables us to live and have our being through Him (John 15).
Amazingly, God is present to help us because, quite honestly, it takes some effort, intentional thought and action, to set aside the distractions and get started living in and through Him. How much of life have we wasted because we have neglected to practice this! Please understand that I am not saying we need to practice more acts of piety in order to gain this reality (pray more, fast more, read more, give more, worship more, ad nauseum) Neither am I am saying these practices are bad or to be neglected. Rather, what I am saying is that we must be responsive to His grace; His invitation to come away with Him into His heart, His life and His Spirit. In that place we discover a scripture that speaks to us or we hear a word to us and for others. His invitation is to walk together, and to be aware of His Presence. This not only effects our relationship with others, it is the basis for living in an authentic relationship with our God and Father.
How is this done? Well, here's the kicker... it takes TIME! And, it takes Intentionality on our part. There is no simple step by step process. I suggest we simply start by saying to God, "I want to live in and through You." I have found God to be gracious in response. He provides opportunities to enter that place of living in and through Him. For example, You may see a person who is already doing that to gives you inspiration, You may find a scripture that starts your journey, You may hear a word from nowhere that gets your attention like never before.
This blog topic comes because of a devotion and prayer time I had today, God spoke to me about my need to be more serious about living in His Presence and it truly impacted me. No matter how long we have practiced the Christian life, we never truly "arrive" at a place where we don't need to learn more. So, don't miss out by neglecting to respond when God calls you near or points out a way to grow your relationship with Him!
We are each unique and yet common together in our humanity. Responding to His beckoning call and amazing grace as it comes to us is vital to experiencing His presence and living through Him. Thank the Lord for pursuing us with your love and grace. Respond with love and adoration and praise to God! Learn to walk with the Lord so that we may be like Jesus everywhere we go.